Drayton Tower

Savannah, GA
2013The 12 story “Drayton Arms” apartment building was constructed between 1949 and 1951 in downtown Savannah, GA. Located in the center of Savannah’s historic district, which was largely developed in the 19th century, the building represents a significant departure from the local design aesthetic. The first floor of the building contains broad glazed storefronts topped with marble panels. The tower floors feature continuous horizontal bands of aluminum framed windows with green tinted Solex glass above smooth buff colored limestone spandrels. After a period of neglect, Flank re-imagined the building as luxury rental apartments that anchor one of the most vibrant urban landscapes on the Eastern seaboard. Acquired and developed by Flank Inc.
- Developer Flank Inc.
- Design Flank Inc.
- Executive Architect Hansen Architects PC
- Engineering Sebring Engineering
- Construction Manager Hardin Construction
- Building Manager Greystar